Andrew Jackson Photo

Andrew has been married to his wife Barbara for 42 years, and has lived in Gilbert for nearly 30 years…

Click here for more personal information.


Thank you for taking the time to visit “Vote Andrew Jackson.” Together we can make positive change to Arizona!

Arizona is at a major crossroads, and we need mature constitutional leadership, or our State will soon become like California. This is why I answered God’s call
and agreed to run for the first time in my life. I believe I can use my extensive life and church leadership experiences to make a unique and positive difference in
Arizona’s House of Representatives.

Thank you for partnering with me. I can’t do it alone.

Above all, I need your vote in July!

This site provides you with many opportunities to partner with me. In appreciation for your time and support, I will give you a PDF copy of my Proverbs 30-Day Devotional, or a chapter from my book, The Way of Jesus. It’s easy to secure your copy, just make your selection in the contact form below

my 20 policy commitments can be found here

my 20 policy commitments can be found here

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